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Zivvy is a membership growth platform that connects everything membership-based businesses need to deliver a best-in-class member experience into one place.
Our customer designed, not cobbled solution, helps people grow with tools that are powerful and even greater together.
Access marketing, sales, customer service, content management, and operations software. HubSpot was made to meet your business needs without adding unnecessary complexity.
Customer journeys are increasingly complex, and technology can help — or hinder — your ability to deliver a
remarkably connected customer experience. When tech systems are cobbled together, they lead to:
Silos between teams, making it harder to align
A clunky user experience, making it harder to adopt
An inflexible tech stack, making it harder to adapt
And unexpectedly high total cost of ownership without ROI
HubSpot offers a better solution that’s crafted, not cobbled. We built our customer platform in-house so our users can benefit from software that’s cohesive, customizable, connected, and easy to adopt at a lower total cost of ownership than cobbled-together solutions. With a single source of truth, your teams can form deeper relationships with customers throughout their journey. And when the customer is at the center of every business decision, company-wide alignment is a whole lot easier.
When a CRM is easy to use companies are 2.1X as likely to see high company growth.
When a CRM is easy to use companies are 2.1X as likely to see high company growth.
When a CRM is easy to use companies are 2.1X as likely to see high company growth.
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You need a growth platform that’s inclusive of every part of your business.
Our approach to product development takes the critical elements of customer experience management — content, messaging, automation, data, and reporting — and brings them into a single customer platform that’s built to grow with your company.
Each HubSpot product is powerful on its own, but the real magic happens when you use them together.
See how the IEX Group used HubSpot's Smart CRM to drive significant productivity and revenue growth after migrating their tech stack to HubSpot.
Better connected, better value.
Marketing Hub customers see 115% more leads after just 6 months. (source)
Sales Hub customers see 78% increase in deal close rate after only 6 months. (source)
Marketing + Sales Hub customers create 154% more deals than customers with Sales Hub only. (source)
86% of Service Hub customers experience time savings. (source)
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The stats included on this page are based on aggregated data from many thousands of HubSpot customers globally. They are provided for information purposes only. Please keep in mind that results for individual businesses, including your own as well as HubSpot’s, may differ based on their own markets, customer base, industry, geography, stage, and/or other factors.