Payment Decline Reason & more….
v3.8.0 Updates to payment details responses on contact page to reflect the reasoning of why a payment was declined. The reason of the decline will only display if the payment gateway
v3.8.0 Updates to payment details responses on contact page to reflect the reasoning of why a payment was declined. The reason of the decline will only display if the payment gateway
Solution on rank setup page not displaying proper ranks when deleting a rank style.[New feature] - Added a new way to bulk remove registrants from class rosters on rosters set
v3.7.0 Solution for processing EFT payments with an ampersand in the bank name in point of sale. Added filters to Notes, Memberships, Reminders, Logs, Attendance, and Ranks tab on contact page. The
A few weeks ago, we migrated to our new cloud based infrastructure and it's fast! At least 10X as fast! With major future updates coming in the next
Updates to tag selections to disallow duplicates.Solution for contact photo not displaying on business type attendance cards.
Create or send tax statement(s) for a given year for selected contacts. 1. Complete your company tax information 2. Navigate to Reports > Financial > Year End Tax Statement Select Your
Solution for updated contact photo not displaying.Devops - updates to logging gateway data (New feature) Notify staff members via email or text message when a student drops out from a class
(New feature). Notify staff members via email or text message when a student drops out from a class from the online portal.