"Discover How Instructors Everywhere Are Growing
Their Academies with this Martial Arts Attendance Software"

Monster Retention.

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     Martial Arts Attendance Software for attendance check-ins, tracking, missed class follow-ups, and so much more are key to marketing automations that can encourage, inspire, and motivate students to get closer than ever to Black Belt and Beyond.

"What If You Could Keep Students
Just 5 Months Longer Than You Do Now?"

Using martial arts attendance software will help keep your students longer, even just a few more months, which will mean you have more time to inspire them to reach their goals and that might make the difference in them staying even longer.


We have 6 different attendance check-in systems, from barcodes, manual, to kiosk, and class lists with the most popular being kiosk and class lists.


Gamification can make it even more fun to recognize the behaviors that get your student base closer towards their goals.


Supporters are the friends, family members, and others that can be there to get your students through the challenges that come from reaching towards goals such as Black Belt and Beyond.


Stories can create both motivation and inspiration and you can use Automation Flows to share stories that achieve both for your students and supporters.

Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance is an opportunity to recognize effort and achievement during times between earning students next ranks.

Benefit of product

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Active Member Attendance


Monthly Recurring Revenue Increase


Net Monthly Member Growth

85% >

Active Weekly Member Participation

What does retention and growth look like, number wise for you?

Everyone's goals are different but member churn, tuition growth, and membership growth are 3 key indicators of true growth for your martial arts school.


Get gamification for your martial arts school

Boost retention, recognition, and rewards that lead to higher student retention. Keep your students training longer than ever which means better quality and profits.


Have great classes and instructors with high retention

Member Engagement Automations do the heavy lifting for you so your instructors can focus on providing the best experience and levels of instruction possible while your students get even more growth and progress along their journey to Black Belt and beyond...


A powerful, simple, & easy-to-use system that gets results

This paragraph is a great place to introduce yourself or your business, or the service you offer.

Use this section to draw your visitor into the page, and expertly show them why they need to consider your business as opposed to other businesses in your niche.

automatic attendance survey

Discover just how students are feeling about their class experience

Your Automatic Attendance Surveys are a great tool to get honest feedback about how student's feel about their training.  Then you can take that data, monitor, enhance, and tweak your systems to take your classes to a whole other level so students continue to train and improve.

How To Get Monster Retention Growth For FREE!

Everything You Need for Attendance, Rank Advancement and
Keeping Students Longer
Than Ever So Your
CRM Growth System Will More That Pay For Itself.

(It's like having 2 full-time staff members)

Martial Arts Attendance Software - Attendance Tracking

✅ Attendance Tracking

(Getting students to attend classes consistently is half the battle.  Use attendance tracking to help your members stay on track to reaching their goals while having fun.)

✅ Missing Student Lists

(Know exactly who's missing class...you can get them back into classes even faster and back to reaching their short and long term goals.)

Martial Arts Attendance Tracking Software - MIA Manager

✅ MIA Manager

(Allows you to keep notes and track your offline follow-up.... you stay organized and know everything going on for your students so you show them you care.)

martial arts attendance software - gamification

✅ Gamification

(Inspire students to do their best and attend class...you can keep students inspired and motivated to keep their training going.)

✅ Attendance Surveys

(Capture how students feel about their class experience...you can improve and enhance your classes for even better retention.)

martial arts attendance-software marketing automation

✅ MIA Follow Up Automation 

(Follow-up automatically with custom personalized messages... students will respond and come back to their training)

Martial Arts Attendance Software - Attended Follow Up

✅ Attended Follow Up Automation: 

(Give students recognition for attending specific numbers of classes...they are proud of their accomplishments more than ever before)

✅ Perfect Attendance

(Give awards for perfect attendance which leads to more effort in class... students see progress and gain even more interest in reaching their goals)

martial arts attendance software - skills and progress integration

✅ Skills & Progress

(See how many classes students have attended and know when they're eligible for their next rank...you don't have to keep spreadsheets and data in different places.)

Martial Arts Attendance Software - Kiosk Check-In Class Summary

Kiosk Check-In Class Summary

(Lets students see how many classes since their last rank each time they check-in... they will know exactly what to do to qualify for their next testing)

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✅ Class Roster Attendance Metrics

(See the number of classes since last exam, eligibility for next rank and stripes ... It means everything is in one place for testing and rank advancements.) 

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✅ Attendance

(See all the data you need in one easy to find place... It's easy to know what's going on with attendance, eligibility requirements, and more.)

Martial Arts Attendance Software - Member App

✅ Member

(Lets students see their attendance history, rank history, and more right from their student app.... Students see where they stand and confirm that all attendance is accurate.)

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✅ Software Systems     

(You can always see the Roadmap which is our current direction for the software, as well as enhancements that are currently in the works.  It's dynamic so it will evolve over time.

Martial Arts Attendance Software - Updates

✅ Consistent Software   

(We're always making enhancements, adding depth to features, simplifying screens, and more to future proof your systems.)

Ultimate Guide to Monster Retention

Still Undecided?

Get Your Ultimate Guide to Monster Retention

Learn 7 secrets to great attendance and retention 
How to keep students training longer than ever before
How to use gamification so students have more fun and get the recognition they deserve as they  attend classes more and more.
How to use Inspiration and motivational messages to drive students back into class week after week.

Zivvy Gives You Monster Enrollment Growth


Are You Ready to Get Started?

Here's exactly what you're getting...

Instant access to 3 Bonuses
Instant Access to Zivvy's CRM Growth Software
Bonus #1: 8 Ways to Grow Traffic
Bonus #2: Retention & Renewal Blueprint 
Bonus #3: Revenue Blueprint
Bonus # 4: Monster Growth Coaching
$3494 Value
$591 Value

$497 Value
$199 Value
$1997 Value

Total Value $3781 Todays Price $47


Stories from Real Users

"RainMaker is such an awesome program. It does so many different things and I am finally  ORGANIZED in my follow-up..."

James. T


"I've used them ALL. Full service, bare bones, cloud based, CD-ROM... If you run a martial arts school, you are WASTING TIME using anything other than RainMaker..."

William P.


"...I've never worked with a company that offers better customer service....I love the variety of features offered."

Bill P.


"I am a one-man shop and wear all the hats.I'm new to RainMaker and was nervous about data entry, software management, checking stats...etc...RainMaker took my fears and tossed them..."

Paul H


Learn Everything You Need to Get Monster Enrollment Growth

Having Monster Enrollment Growth is about more than just enrolling more new members.  It's about your entire business and the journey to reach your business and personal goals.

You can reach your goals and have fun doing it while creating quality students and instructors. 

Check out just a few of the things below that you'll learn along the way to creating Monster Enrollment Growth.

How to add 10 more new members a month without spending more on advertising.
The way to keep students longer than ever before by using powerful communication tools that inspire and motivate students to come to their next class.
Get more from your current marketing than ever before so you enroll more students and have fun doing it.
Improve your cashflow, your revenue, and most importantly your profits so you can grow and have the freedom you want to enjoy a quality of life you never thought possible while teaching as little or as much as you really want.
J Scott - Zivvy CEO

J. Scott has worked with thousands of instructors and coaches around the world to help them growth their gyms and academies. 

Not ready to create your account?

For a limited time, we're offering a FREE call to share strategies with you for rock solid retention.

Frequently asked questions
about Martial Arts Attendance Software 

Is any special equipment required for attendance?

You can use kiosk with your laptop or desktop, class list are generally used with Ipads but there is also manual mode where no extra equipment is needed.  You can also use a bar code scanner with the martial arts attendance software.

How do I enter attendance?

You use one of the check-in methods with the question above.  And then attendance information is logged to the member profile automatically.

How do I see how many times a student has attended class?

You can run reports as well as see classes since last rank, total attendance, and the date of each class right on each member profile.

Do I need keytags for attendance check-in?

You can use the software without any added equipment, so if you have a desktop or a laptop you're good to go. However you can use attendance class rosters with a tablet. * IPads recommended for ease of use.

© SAAS Systems.  All Rights Reserved. Martial Arts Software by Zivvy

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Rock Solid.Retention. 

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Ultimate Guide to Monster Retention

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