Martial Arts Attendance Software
that drives missing students back into class.


Watch this video now to discover how you can use
the martial arts attendance tracking software to develop rock solid retention.

Fast Check-Ins so there's never a traffic flow problem.

What you'll get with the Fast Attendance Tracking & Retention System

You'll find the perfect fit for your business

check-in systems

Find the perfect class check-in system for your martial arts school. We have 6 different options to choose from and a ton of features that will work best for you. Find out which one works best!

Get organized and efficient so you're never missing information again

attendance logs

You'll never miss a student's progress again.With the Attendance Logs, you can track every class they have ever attended and see their rank eligibility, stripes, and more.

The information you need at the right time so keep your finger on the pulse of your school.

mia lists

You'll know what's happening in your classes. Find out when students are not coming to class to follow up with them manually while your automation does the heavy lifting.

Gets people back into class, fast.

mia automations

You know who's missing in action.Missed classes? Automate messages that inspire, motivate, and show how much you care.  You get personalized automation with Flows.

Never miss a student again with MIA Manager

mia manager

Never miss a student again with MIA Manager.  Follow up, organize and monitor your students without spending time looking for them.

Everything works together so it's simple, and easy to use which means everything gets done when it's supposed to.

skills & progress integration

An Attendance System that integrates with Skills and Progress. This one-of-a-kind system will keep track of attendance, skills progress, and rank eligibility for your students.

The data you need to improve your business and drive profits, easily.

automatic attendance survey

You'll finally know what your students think of your school.  Use Automatic Attendance Survey to gather information on how your students feel about their class experiences so you can constantly improve.

This could be the solution you're looking for.


This will be the solution you're looking for.  MEMBER APP is a secure and convenient app to track attendance and manage student payments, all from your students' phones.


Use the one that works best for your academy


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Semper portti evenie proina venena intege minim platea lectus laoret ipsume.

ID Cards

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Dolors sagitt platea proina semper lacusa ipsume vulput minim venena laoret.

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In this free LIVE training I'll show you my exact 'battle-tested' formula for landing page creation

I'm not a computer person but it's easy enough to do the day to day activities. ...I just look at the numbers daily and the most important numbers are right there on the home page.

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Lanre L

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Tempor dolors intege semper laoret ipsume sagitt platea lacusa venena vulput portti vertis evenie proina minim lectus.

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Kenneth Mitchell


Venena sagitt lacusa dolors ipsume proina semper minim intege laoret tempor platea lectus vertis portti vulput evenie.

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Sharon Martin


Evenie tempor lacusa vertis minim intege platea ipsume dolors laoret venena portti semper sagitt vulput lectus proina.

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Sarah Phillips


Frequently asked questions

What is Martial Arts CRM Software?

When you sign up, your account will be created immediately and you will receive an email with your login information so you can get started right away.

How do I enter attendance?

SMS messages are charged based on credits that average about 5 cents a piece depending on your package and the full size, full color real postcards that are printed and mailed cost about $1.50.

What equipment will I need?

You can use the software without any added equipment, so if you have a desktop or a laptop you're good to go. However you can use attendance class rosters with a tablet. * IPads recommended for ease of use.

How do I see how many times a student has attended class?

You can use the software without any added equipment, so if you have a desktop or a laptop you're good to go. However you can use attendance class rosters with a tablet. * IPads recommended for ease of use.

Do I need keytags for attendance check-in?

You can use the software without any added equipment, so if you have a desktop or a laptop you're good to go. However you can use attendance class rosters with a tablet. * IPads recommended for ease of use.

© SAAS Systems.  All Rights Reserved. Martial Arts Software by Zivvy

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