Published June 20, 2024 in Category

The 6 Types of Campaigns Every Martial Arts Academy MUST Use to Grow Their Membership

Lead Capture

     Growing a martial arts academy is no small feat. It requires a strategic approach to attract, nurture, and retain members. Here are six essential types of campaigns that every martial arts academy should use to boost their membership.

Definition: Lead capture is the process of collecting information from potential members who show interest in your academy. This step is crucial for building a pipeline of prospective students.

Importance: Capturing leads allows you to build a database of interested individuals who can be nurtured into paying members. Without a robust lead capture system, you risk losing potential members to competitors.


Online Forms and Landing Pages: Create dedicated landing pages with forms where visitors can sign up for more information or special offers. Tools like Leadpages or Unbounce can help you design high-converting pages.

Social Media Ads: Use targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential members. Offer something valuable, such as a free e-book or a discount on the first class, in exchange for their contact details.

Free Trials and Introductory Classes: Offer free trials or discounted introductory classes. This lowers the barrier to entry and gives prospects a taste of what your academy offers.

Tools and Tips:

Use CRM software to manage and track leads.

Ensure your forms are mobile-friendly.

Test different headlines and calls-to-action (CTAs) to see what resonates best with your audience.

Indoctrination (Opt-In Objective

Definition: Indoctrination, or the opt-in objective, involves welcoming new leads and beginning to build a relationship with them. This stage is about educating and engaging them with your brand.

Importance: This step helps establish trust and credibility. It's your chance to make a great first impression and set the stage for future interactions.


Welcome Emails: Send a series of automated welcome emails. Share your academy’s story, values, and the benefits of joining.

Educational Content: Provide valuable information about martial arts, the benefits of regular practice, and success stories from current members.

Success Stories and Testimonials: Share testimonials from happy members and stories of personal transformation.

Best Practices:

Personalize your emails with the recipient’s name.

Keep your messages concise and engaging.

Include clear CTAs in your emails, such as scheduling a visit or booking a trial class.

Nurture and Convert

Definition: The nurture and convert phase involves keeping leads engaged and gradually moving them towards becoming paying members.

Importance: Many leads need time and additional information before they’re ready to commit. Nurturing helps keep your academy top-of-mind and builds the trust needed for conversion.


Email Drip Campaigns: Send a series of emails that provide more detailed information over time. This could include training tips, behind-the-scenes looks at your classes, or stories from instructors.

- Personal Follow-Ups and Consultations: Reach out personally to leads who show a high level of interest. Offer to answer any questions they might have or provide a free consultation.

- Demonstrations and Open Houses: Invite leads to special events where they can experience your classes and facilities firsthand.

Case Studies:

- Share success stories from other academies that have effectively used email drip campaigns to convert leads.

- Highlight a specific case where personal follow-up turned a hesitant lead into a loyal member.


Definition: Fulfillment refers to delivering on the promises you made during the lead capture and nurture phases. This includes onboarding new members and ensuring they have a positive experience.

Importance: Meeting and exceeding expectations during the initial stages of membership is crucial for retention and word-of-mouth referrals.


- Onboarding New Members: Provide a smooth onboarding process. Offer orientation sessions to help new members get familiar with your academy.

- Delivering Consistent Training Quality: Ensure your instructors are well-trained and consistently deliver high-quality classes.

- Providing Additional Resources and Support: Offer additional resources such as training videos, nutrition guides, and access to a community forum.

Software Features:

- Use your management software to streamline the onboarding process.

- Track member attendance and engagement to identify those who may need additional support.

Preframe Sales

Definition: Preframe sales involve setting the right expectations and preparing leads for the sales conversation. This helps reduce objections and smooth the transition from prospect to paying member.

Importance: Properly framing your sales conversations can significantly increase your conversion rates and reduce the amount of time spent addressing concerns.


- Educational Content about Membership Options: Provide detailed information about your membership options, including pricing, benefits, and any special promotions.

- Q&A Sessions: Host regular Q&A sessions where prospects can ask questions and get immediate answers.

- Success Metrics and Outcomes: Share statistics and outcomes related to your academy, such as the number of students who have achieved higher belt ranks or success in competitions.

Implementation Tips:

- Use webinars or live streams for your Q&A sessions.

- Create detailed FAQs and resource guides that address common concerns.

Get Referrals

Definition: Referral campaigns encourage your existing members to refer friends and family to your academy. This type of campaign leverages the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Importance: Referrals are one of the most effective ways to grow your membership base. Referred members are often more loyal and have higher lifetime values.

Referral Strategies:

- Incentive Programs: Offer incentives such as discounts, free classes, or merchandise to members who refer new students.

- Member Appreciation Events: Host events that celebrate your members and encourage them to bring friends and family.

- Social Media Shares and Reviews: Encourage members to share their experiences on social media and leave reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp.

Tracking and Rewards:

- Use your management software to track referrals and ensure rewards are distributed promptly.

- Regularly acknowledge and thank members who refer others.


The six types of campaigns and their importance for growing a martial arts academy:

1. Lead Capture

2. Indoctrination (Opt-In Objective)

3. Nurture and Convert

4. Fulfillment

5. Preframe Sales

6. Get Referrals

Implement these strategies to boost your membership and ensure sustainable growth.

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About Scott Dolloff

He is the founder of Zivvy.  With over 3 decades in the professional side of the membership-based businesses he has helped over 6,000 owners, coaches, instructors, and others grow their membership and reach their business and personal goals.

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