
  • Updated U.I on tag/program selections. This new tag/program
  • Updates to voiding and refunding of payments.
  • Solution for voiding/refunding on profit generator registration detail page.
  • Updates to web form submissions to validate against the required fields, if the web form in question has fields that are required. 
  • Added new “Revenue Recovery” report called “Non-AutoCollect Report”. This report will show members who are “On Hold”, members with “multiple decline payments via autoCollect”, members that had their tuition paused and members who are not on autoCollect. This includes primary and active secondary memberships.
  • Added new “Revenue Recovery” report called “Members With No Scheduled Payments Remaining”. This report will show members who have no more payments remaining. This includes primary and active secondary memberships. 
  • Updates to how a contact unsubscribes from an email. Updated to help with performance as well as retry if an error occurs.
  • Updates to confirmation dialog boxes to resolve chrome issue where the dialog would show then hide. 
  • Solution on “Map your Members” report